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When we are single, we can focus on our own selfish needs. But when we have a relationship with another person, we need to consider their needs as well as our own. Sometimes these two demands conflict. Relationships of...

Why men feel inadequate over penis size

Men’s sexual role (after impregnating women) is to protect the family. In an aggressive situation a man must be physically large and muscular to...

How the male and female sexual roles differ

Primitive life, such as bacteria, reproduce asexually. But most animals and plants reproduce sexually. Offspring inherit genes from both parents. Even in plants, the...

Young women tend to focus on their attractiveness

A girl first becomes aware of herself as a sexual being when men start commenting on her breasts. The breasts develop from around 12.4...

The internal anatomy involved in reproduction

Our sex is determined by chromosomes. A man has an XY chromosome and a woman has an XX chromosome. There are other combinations (involving...

Men cannot accept that women are unresponsive

Men’s experience of women is based on their observation of their lovers. Couples, even in long term relationships, do not discuss the details of...

Male propaganda: saying women should enjoy sex

Ask a woman in any developing country about sex and she will tell you it is for male pleasure and making babies. Try asking...

Penetration is what makes sex erotic and taboo

Penetrative sex (both anal and vaginal intercourse) has a special role in our concept of eroticism. Penetration by a phallus is key to our...

Intercourse is a territorial act of male dominance

In a society where men and women raise families together, intercourse is presented as a lovemaking act. But by looking at Nature we can...

The romantic pleasure a woman enjoys from sex

In modern times we talk of sexual partners but in the past, heterosexuals more often talked of lovers. Women do not think of sex...

Women do not need to be like men to be valid

Sex educators think women need to be educated about masturbation and the clitoris. Yet no man ever needs to be told about masturbation and...

Intercourse is an act of mating and impregnation

Sexuality is about the act of mating. Humans do not have sex simply in order to reproduce. We also have sex to enjoy pleasure...

How we know that someone has had an orgasm

Orgasm is a subconscious response but we need to take conscious actions to achieve it. A responsive person knows when they have had an...

The mental focus required to achieve orgasm

Anyone who masturbates needs to use fantasy for arousal. Turn-ons are erotic concepts or images that motivate us to engage in sexual activity. We...

Women’s fantasies are sexually explicit scenarios

A responsive woman’s use of fantasies means her experiences do not fit with any of the descriptions of sexual activity that we see portrayed...

How women masturbate themselves to orgasm

Women may be mildly curious about genitals but they are not aroused by them. Neither are women hormonally aroused as younger men are. So...

Why couples don’t discuss female arousal

Much of the sexual activity between heterosexuals is carried on without communication. Once intimacy has been established, by kissing for example, a man assumes...

Men are aroused by seeing and stimulating genitals

Children of both sexes are indifferent to genitals. They may be mildly curious but they consider genitals to be ugly and smelly parts of...

The role of relationship therapists and counsellors

Adults are embarrassed about sex because of their emotional insecurities. Our emotional needs include a need to impress, a need to belong and a...

The misconceptions that arise from pornography

Pornography provides boys with completely unrealistic images of women’s sexuality. The female body is sexualised and objectified (projected in way that causes male arousal)....

A man wants a partner to make love to his penis

When aroused, men experience rigidity of the sex organ (the penis). But this increased blood flow, although concentrated in the genitals can also affect...

A man needs to make sex exciting for a woman

When women see men, they think of sex. You could equally well say that men think the same thing when they see women. But...

Misunderstandings over how orgasm is achieved

The issue of female orgasm with a lover is at the core of sexual politics. Men want to feel valued as lovers. Women want...